We are UVA students who have witnessed furniture waste first hand.

We know that, as a community, we can diminish both furniture poverty and waste in Charlottesville.


Our Mission

We aim to diminish the impact of furniture poverty by restoring value to household goods, diverting them from the landfill, and reallocating them to individuals and organizations in need.

Together, we can put an end to furniture waste and furniture poverty in Charlottesville

Why This Matters


Furniture Waste

According to the EPA, furniture is the #1 least recycled household item. At the same time, the average university student generates 640 pounds of waste each year.


What Sets Us Apart

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Community Network

Our network of community partners provide us with the necessary resources and support to help us locate, obtain, and deliver furniture in the most efficient and impactful way possible.


Adaptive Workforce

Our volunteer force will draw from a large pool of UVA students and community members, allowing us the flexibility to increase or decrease our number of volunteers with ease. This adaptive workforce model is crucial in handling the massive flux in furniture waste at the end of each academic year.


On-the-fly Moving

We utilize an on-the-fly moving technique in which donation type, quality, and location will be matched with a fitting recipient before it is picked up and moved. This method minimizes the need for storage and provides convenient removal & delivery services for our donors and clients.


Want to get involved?

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